Thursday, September 11, 2008

2 Corinthians -- Sharing the Gospel

Read 2 Corinthians 10-11

Today's Devotion 2 Cor 10:10-11
10For some say, "His letters are weighty and forceful, but in person he is unimpressive and his speaking amounts to nothing." 11Such people should realize that what we are in our letters when we are absent, we will be in our actions when we are present. (NIV)
taken from

When you think of Paul, what kind of speaker to do you imagine he was? I presumed he was all 'fire and brimstone', powerfully admonishing sinners and proclaiming the salvation of Christ. He may be reflecting his modesty in this passage, but I imagine he's repeating things that he's heard others say about him. What if his speaking was monotone, unimaginative, and, well, downright boring? Hard to imagine, but even if it is true, he had an amazing impact on the people who heard him speak.

The real value we are able to gain, though, is from his letters. They are pretty clear and to the point with truths from the Gospel. If we have trouble understanding his meaning, we are able to go back again and again to learn more.

Do you have difficulty sharing the gospel with others? Maybe Paul's idea here would work for us, too. If we took the time to think through the message we want to share with a specific person, we could write it down. That way we wouldn't be distracted or deterred from completing our thoughts. In addition, the person who receives the letter will have the opportunity to go back to it again and again, allowing him or her to reflect on the message and ask questions for clarification. Yes, it's possible that the letter may get thrown away, but in the process of writing you may have the chance to solidify the message in your own head so you are better prepared to speak it in the future!

Who in your life who would benefit from a heartfelt letter about Jesus? I challenge you to write it...and send it!

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