Friday, February 22, 2008

Exodus Day 5

Read Exodus 17 - 20

Today's Devotion:
Read Exodus 17-20

I'm really having trouble choosing just one series of verses from this text, so I decided to just list some of the questions and thoughts I had while going through these chapters. I hope it causes you to read the text and come up with some of your own questions!

1. Ex 17:1 Isn't it interesting that they are traveling in the Desert of Sin??? I didn't notice that yesterday. Was it called that before they started, or was that the name given to it because it was where they sinned?

2. Ex 17:2 Why did God wait to provide water until the people grumbled? Did they grumble without first asking God to provide it for them? How often do I complain about something without going to God first? Way too often...

3. Ex 17:3 Already the Israelites were planning to return to Egypt...what they remembered as full pots of meat sound much better than manna day after day. But they have forgotten the reality of slavery and the poverty they were forced into. Sin is like that -- it's really tempting to go back to, but we quickly forget the painful side of our life back then.

4. Ex 17:14 God told Moses to record the battle against the Amalekites and to be sure Joshua heard it. Joshua was leading the battle, but he didn't realize the true reason for the win...that Moses was on the hill worshipping God. This is one of the first hints we have that Joshua will be important in Israeli history.

5. Ex 18:2 Moses sent Zipporah away before he actually went into Egypt. I wonder how he had changed since she last saw him? He's been through an amazing spiritual encounter, but she may have been expecting her familiar shepherd.

6. Ex 18:14 Have you ever had a mentor who helped you see a more effective way to do things? How often do we continue struggling with the need to be in charge and responsible for everything instead of delegating?

7. Ex 19:12 Why did God only show himself to Moses and a few others? He set himself apart as one to be feared...such a different God than we see once Christ appears.

8. Ex 20: 17 Don't covet...hmm, it seems like that is one of the biggest problems people in America have today. We always want more...and someone else always has more for us to want! Just think what it would be like if we were all satisfied with what we have?

I'd love to hear about the thoughts you had while reading through the text!

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