Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Do You Have Questions?

Today's Verses -- John 3:1-2

Jesus is in Jerusalem for the Passover. He entered the temple courts and found men selling all kinds of animals for sacrifice. He overturned their tables and ran them out of the temple courts. The Jews wanted to see miraculous signs to prove he was the Christ.

1Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." (NIV)

taken from

Have you started listing questions about the verses you have chosen to study? I got started slowly, but I was amazed at how many questions I ended up with. It was actually a somewhat frustrating exercise, because now I want answers to all of them!

I'd love the chance to go meet with Jesus face to face and ask him these things. I'm sure I'd be embarrassed by my ignorance, but I imagine he'd patiently explain everything. Nicodemus visited with him at night. Some surmise because he was embarrassed to be seen asking these questions, but who really knows? Maybe he just had a busy day at the temple and didn't have a chance to meet with him until nighttime. Or maybe he and Jesus set up the meeting in advance.

The important thing isn't when he went or why he went at that time, but that he went at all! How often do we rush through reading a passage, especially a familiar one, and don't really stop to be sure we understand?

This method of Bible study is definitely taking a lot of time, but I already have a much better comprehension of the passage than I did before I started questioning things. I could probably spend the rest of my life trying to find answers to some of the questions I have.

So, do I need to memorize my questions so I can ask Jesus when I get to Heaven? Or will I automatically know the answers to all my questions when I arrive. I imagine, at that point, the questions won't matter anymore.

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