Thursday, August 28, 2008

1 Corinthians -- Selective Obedience

Read 1 Corinthians 11-12

Today's Devotion -- We'll use it all today! Click on the link above to read it.

Today's text contains some of the most controversial information in the Bible from the perspective of our current society. These verses are disputed heavily when theologians try to decide if we should follow the entire Bible as written, or instead if we should 'allow' some departure due to cultural standards of the time. Entire denominations have been formed because people either agreed legalistically or vehemently disagreed that Paul's directives should be followed.

These are good verses to test your own convictions. How would you answer these questions?

1. Should we selectively follow the advice given in the Bible because our culture is different?
2. If your answer is yes, at what level does this ability to choose stop? For instance, our culture says it's ok for women to go without head coverings or to cut their hair short, so we don't follow Paul's advice. But what if our culture says it's ok for gay couples to marry? Is it then ok to differentiate?
3. Does God give different spiritual gifts now than he did back in Bible days? How do you know? And if you say 'yes', what does it mean if someone claims to have a gift you believe isn't given any more? Who is wrong?
4. Must we follow advice given by disciples/apostles, or only the advice of Christ? How do you decide?
5 Are these issues worthy of the vast number of denominations we have today? How can we co-exist as Christians with significantly differing beliefs about issues such as these?


Unknown said...

susan, those are heavy questions. i wish that we could really take some time to deal with them in class. i like our format, but i think the whole class and the whole church would benefit from some serious theological teachings.
paul wrote his heavy letters to lightweight churches. if they can handle it, i think FCCF can too. what do you think about it? matt

Unknown said...

i was looking at your posting times... you wake up too early. get some sleep, susan!