Monday, August 11, 2008

Acts -- Waiting

If you missed class yesterday, you missed a great chance to learn more about the others in the class and an opportunity to reflect deeply upon how God is actively working in your life. Go to the class website,, to look at the handout and answer the questions for your life.

We have another week to read Acts. Please finish what you weren't able to read last week. I won't provide daily reading assignments this week.

Today's Devotion - Acts 1:3-5
3After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." (NIV)

taken from

A little while back our daughter ordered a new laptop computer for her first year in college. She agonized over all the options and finally chose one that met her needs. Then she waited.

While she knew she wouldn't wait too long for her new toy, each day seemed to stretch longer as she watched for the UPS truck. If she heard a truck drive through our quiet court, she would rush to the window to see if her delivery had arrived. Any time she was away from home for a few hours she would call to see if we had received her package.

It reminded me of Christmas Eve -- the anxious excitement of children who know something wonderful will be here soon, but not soon enough.

As Jesus spent his last few days on Earth before ascending to Heaven, he
promised that a great gift would be delivered -- baptism by the Holy Spirit. He mentions that he's talked about this before, but I wonder if the disciples had really listened and if they had any idea what they were about to receive? I'm sure some of them, probably Peter at least, wished that Jesus had just given them the gift before he left instead of making them wait for it. Every time someone knocked on the door of that little upper room in Jerusalem, I imagine they jumped with anticipation as they expected the promised gift had finally arrived.

God timed his delivery perfectly. After several days of prayer, when they were all together and the appropriate crowd had gathered for the Jewish feast of Pentecost, they were each filled with the Holy Spirit. And the blessings of this gift were made apparent to all who were present -- over 3000 people were baptized.

We are each awaiting for something from God; an answer to prayer, a call to action, understanding of a difficult Biblical concept. Let's wait with eager expectation, just like a child awaits a much desired gift. As did the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it will arrive at just the right time, and it will probably be much better than we ever expected!

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