Thursday, August 21, 2008

Romans - A Debt-Free Life

Read Romans 5-6

Today's Devotion -- Romans 5:6-8
6You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 8But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (NIV)
taken from

The North County region of St. Louis County reportedly has the highest foreclosure rate per capita in all of Missouri. Drive down almost any street and you will see several For Sale signs, often with 'price reduced' plackards and unmown grass. Many people have lost jobs or had medical issues that put them into debt, many more just got in over their heads. As a result many families are dealing with the devastating consequences.

How would your life be different if you were totally debt free? If you didn't own anything to any body? If your home and car were fully paid for, there were no credit card bills racking up high levels of interest, and no one else was laying claim to your earnings? If you were able to pay cash for everything? If you had enough savings to take care of almost any emergency that could occur?

If, if, if! Most of us can't imagine the peace and security of knowing that all debts are paid off and all of our belongings are secure from creditors.

Imagine someone coming in, a stranger who pays all of your bills and deposits enough in your accounts to provide a lifetime of security! He doesn't reduce or eliminate your debts like credit consolidators or bankruptcy courts do, he pays it off in full! Happy creditors and a fabulous credit rating . . . what an amazing blessing that would be!

Would you jump right back in and start charging new cars, televisions, vacations, and other fun things? Or would you vow to start anew, working to ensure that you lived on less than you made and maybe saving up so you could help others in financial need?

It may be a weak analogy, but this is what Christ does for us. We were buried in the debt of sin, and while we weren't even a twinkle in some remote ancestors' eye he paid off our sins so that we would be able to live in peace, secure about our eternal future. We owe our very lives to his loving sacrifice. How, then, should we live?

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